an ode to the california beach babe

an ode to the california beach babe

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Films and TV shows seem to dignify California beach babes as this mythical creature, unattainable to most.

But that’s not how we see them. 

Sandy hair, textured from the ocean, “cool girl,” with the IDGAF attitude. Usually you surf — sometimes you skateboard. Sometimes you just merely exist on a beach, in your tiny bikini, with your big, perfect tits that somehow bounce in slow motion with every movement. Seriously, how tf do they do that? Anyways, 2000’s screen names beware … beach babe is getting an f/n glow up.

I’d imagine the OGs with a “no fcks given” disposition. You’re not putting that bikini on for anyone but yourself — But hell, if you wanted the boys to notice you, you know exactly what to do. You hold power in the blonde hair and bronze skin. You permanently live in “Hot Girl Summer.” You’ve probably taken up a hobby in roller-skating down the boardwalk of Venice Beach. You’re a living icon and you don’t even know it. You don’t care to know it. You’re just doing you, beach babe.

Back in the day, you partied to Elvis, dancing in the sand. You tested the limits to surf “with the guys," and *GASP* started to show your midriff. Sex appeal is always in plain sight with you. Barely-there swimwear, warm skin-touching-skin, and the memories of the seductive, beach vixens in late movies past.

Now, a joint may be in between your two fingers, as you chill in the shade before you catch your next wave. I’d imagine every out-of-towner to look your way, envying your casual, blasé appearance. How effortless is it really to appear so effortless? And do you carry that with you, wherever you go?

Raedy for the dirty little secret? It’s not where you are or what you’re wearing. It’s a mindset. That makes everything feel good. The right outfit. The right lighting. The right photo.  Who cares? Wear what you like. You can be a California Beach Babe, even if your beach happens to be a lake, your community pool, or your backyard in Iowa.

So, put on that bikini, smoke that green, blast your music, and give 0 fcks. Maybe even learn how to roller-skate while you’re at it, too.

stay golden