t’is the season …. or some sht like that.
time for giving. receiving. turkey tasting & eggnogging….
listening to boring af stories you’ve heard a thousand times.
and online shopping to pass the timeeee….
shopping is cool and all …. but what we’re really here for is the DEALS.
but …. in the morning light …. we can see how wasteful some of these splurgy tendencies can be. total buzz kill for bank accounts …. and the planet. on the other hand, when done mindfully, black friday (and it’s lil sister, cyber monday) can be an opportunity to score big but fear not, pals! we’ve put together a handy guide full of tips and ideas that will help you shop better. greener. more mindfully. cause who wants to deal with a trashy planet?!
PRO TIP #1: create a list beforehand!
think of what you need or have been wanting— sustainable basics, that one spectacular leather coat that you’d wear with everything, a new bedside table, roller skates, the dyson airwrap cough cough— and then research those items to check if they’re on sale! don’t get distracted by other things that didn’t end up on your list, even if they seem like a “good deal.” unfortch, some sneaky companies will inflate prices prior to the sale so it just seeeems like a discount— which is definitely not cool!!
PRO TIP #2: quality over quantity
if possible, go for quality sustainable brands at a discount, rather than loading up on cheaper, less-responsibly made stuff just because it’s cheap. quality over quantity, always! if you’re gonna buy, at least make sure their packaging is waste-free and that all of their employees make a fair living wage and are treated well. some of our personal favorites include parade, allbirds, girlfriend collective, etc). maybe it’ll be a blog post next month there are too many to list.
PRO TIP #3: check out the locals
instead, maybe use the day to check out locally-owned stores near you! supporting local businesses is kind of a *thing* for us. show them some love, even if you can get it cheaper on the-one-day-delivery-site-that-must-not-be-named — because locals love their community.
PRO TIP 4: dare I say …. skip.the.deals?!
don’t need a discount? shop brands who are strategically *not* participating in black friday. there are some real straight shooters out there who just sit out the splurgy sales. game recognize game.
we love a principled stand on shopping. and while we have some holiday plans for you *coming soon* …. you won’t see crazy extra packaging or un-recyclable stuff. that’s the way we play it. sexy & sustainable.
#avant garde #sustainabilitygoals #hereforthechange